Hi Guys,
Just wanting to start this community by calling all slingers out there who might want to exchange sling details on a permanent basis. I have these slings in my collection:
1. DirecTV in Arizona, Memphis, Houston, Arkansas, San Francisco and Philadelphia.
2. Comcast NY and Florida
3. DreamSat Multimedia Setups (Tons on European channels including UK)
4. a bunch of the SKY TV slings and a Virgin Media setup
5. Channels from the Philippines via CableLink.
6. LA basic cable
Been wanting to share these to responsible individuals. All slings are bundled into one sling.com user account so I will share all of these to you by sending to you my sling.com email and password so that you can have the freedom to watch and choose.
Thanks. Hoping to hear from you soon. Just post a comment and leave your email addresses so that I can contact you...
Just wanting to start this community by calling all slingers out there who might want to exchange sling details on a permanent basis. I have these slings in my collection:
1. DirecTV in Arizona, Memphis, Houston, Arkansas, San Francisco and Philadelphia.
2. Comcast NY and Florida

3. DreamSat Multimedia Setups (Tons on European channels including UK)
4. a bunch of the SKY TV slings and a Virgin Media setup
5. Channels from the Philippines via CableLink.
6. LA basic cable
Been wanting to share these to responsible individuals. All slings are bundled into one sling.com user account so I will share all of these to you by sending to you my sling.com email and password so that you can have the freedom to watch and choose.
Thanks. Hoping to hear from you soon. Just post a comment and leave your email addresses so that I can contact you...